Angelo Thomas Medium
Spirit Medium. Author. Dragon Guide. Angel Channel. Akashic Reader. Light Energy Healer. Spirit Teacher. Reiki and Siechim Master.
On, and Crazy Spook Speaker~!
Angelo; from the Greek word “ἄγγελος” (angelos), meaning ‘messenger’, ‘angel’ or in other words, ‘considered as a messenger sent from the Divine’. A fitting name for someone born with an inmate ability to communicate with various spiritual beings of the Angelic Realms.
Angelo Thomas is a natural born Spirit Medium and Earth-Angel incarnate who spreads his celestial wings wide and far to function as a bridge between humanity and spiritual beings in all forms. Angelo works daily with spiritual beings from the Angelic realms (Archangels, Dragons, and Unicorns), as well as the Ascended Masters, Galactic Star Beings and even the Fae.
Since he was 16, Angelo has been bringing forward messages of guidance, healing and love from spirits and the Angelic realms for people from all walks of life. From the humble beginnings on the streets of the Greek Islands, reading the Tarot in his teens, Angelo now provides spirit and energy work internationally. From Darwin to Atlanta, Brisbane to London, Angelo has read for and worked with thousands of people across the world and is not slowing down anytime soon!
In his own very unique, and sometimes irreverent way, Angelo is rewriting how Mediums work with both the spirit and human worlds. Pushing the boundaries constantly, Angelo strives to make the bridge between us and the Divine that bit smaller each and every day. We are all made in the image of the Divine, and Angelo is determined to make sure as many people as possible benefit from its wisdom, guidance and healing.
Using his powerful and unique connection to the Divine, Angelo will provide you with clarity in how you live your life, teach you to work with Spirit for yourself, and inspire you to experience the Divine each and everyday.
So, connect with Angelo, and his spirit team, today!
What are you waiting for? Atlantis to rise again? Well, you see, we have news for you, it already is rising, so get in touch with Angelo today.
At my reading my grandma came through and it brought a smile to my face and a little giggle when you swore and she slapped you on the head, she used to do that to me too!
L Wilson - Darwin
You were spot on, with so many things, and I wish I could say them all, but you were gentle, and kind, and so respectful, and wise.
K Garden
If you’re thinking, “I really ought to contact him…” LISTEN and spend this time with him. My movement forward is leading to something huge. It’s not the first time I’ve heard it. Angelo’s clearly guided messages/instructions finally gave me “the meat” my spirit needed to hear.
W. Vallelonga
FOLLOW US @the.angelothomas
Who is Angelo?
Angelo is a natural born Spirit Medium.
He has undertaken the following training:
Reiki / Seichim Master,
IICT Certified Arctuiran Light Energy Healer, and
Kyle Gray Certified Angel Guide (Hay House UK).
Angelo is fully insured for all services and is a member of the:
- 220 Australian dollars
- 150 Australian dollars
- 250 Australian dollars
- 90 Australian dollars