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Picture it – San Francisco, 2017

It was a stunning autumn afternoon in Golden Gate Park, filled to the brim with people for the annual Blue Grass Festival. We were packed in like sardines, my wife and best friend, both there against their will (or so they both claimed). I was given near death threats that the one act, we’d been waiting hours to see, better be good.

I was unsure why they were complaining, they had drinks, snacks and the people around us were all old hippy, star seeds who were lovely ... if not high as kites

So, she walks on, with her white mane of hair, she claims centre stage. A single strum of her guitar, and band backs kicks in, the stage lights up and her voice soars across the thousands of people in the park.

Insert Goosebumps

I turn to look at my companions, they are in awe (and more importantly silent!) Instantly the three of us are fixated on the performer for the next hour. Not a word said until she finishes. We listen to her albums for the rest of the trip and even to this day; especially at 2am in the morning, when the wine is pouring and the conversation is deep.

That performer was none other than Miss Emmylou Harris.

But I digress … the reason for this introduction is because one of her songs was repeating in my head, and also playing a lot this week. The words in particular - “It don’t matter where you bury me; I’ll be home and I’ll be free. It don’t matter where I’ll lay; all my tears be washed away…”

Now, I know this is my Spirit Jukebox giving me a message. What is it you ask? The message is around a question I am often asked by people in readings, which is highly sensitive and emotionally charged.

Are they ok with where I laid their remains to rest?

Now bear with me. I myself was once concerned about this as well and dread being asked this question. However, we need to talk about these things and demystify the concept of the soul's passing from this earthly world to that of light.

To cut to the chase, I am told by Spirit; don’t stress too much on the resting place, including whether or not your loved one likes it. Remember, like the words of Miss Emmylou Harris, it doesn’t matter, as they are free. What matters the most to Spirit is that they are free from pain, free from human emotions, the ties to their earthly body and all attachments.

What matters most to them is their new journey they are about to embark on with their guides and other beings of light. This new journey’s length and effort is often up to them, how they lived their lives and what new challenges they will put themselves forward for in the spirit world, or next life should you so be inclined.

This isn’t to say that they aren’t looking over you as well. The whole concept of time and space is nothing to them. They can be here as well as on their journey. I won’t say much more here about this journey concept as that’s a whole new blog post.

Back to point

It is in this new state that they are watching over you like they never could before, and that is where I send the conversation with the person in the reading. They are beings of pure unconditional love. This isn’t always taken too well though; no matter how sensitive I am being. We just want to know if they liked that song we picked!!!

I remember seeing my original mentor doing her thing on stage at one of her shows. After the platform reading was over, it went to Q&A with members of the audience. The usual questions came up; will I get the job, will I build the house this year, or will I leave Darwin? You get the point ...

However, it was one question that came up, which I thought nothing of, was – Is he happy that we spread his ashed around the palms? In an instant, my mentor replied – “he doesn’t care; it doesn’t matter to them, next?”

Well, following that show, she posted on her Facebook page that someone had complained about this response. In her usual style, she stood by this response (not one to back down easily.) She explained, like I am now, that it matters more to us on earth than it does to Spirit. That is not to mean we are not to care about how we lay our loved ones to rest. It just means we should treat the process with upmost respect but not dwell.

Let’s try to remember their life, know they are still with us. Here to guide and to support our lives, and that one day (hopefully not too soon) we will be reunited with them when our next journey begins. And trust in me, they are still with us and watch over us; just try telling my Yiayia she isn’t always with me, as she certainly is around when I need her most.

In all, I realise that this advice is often hard to accept and take on board. Like all advice that we are not ready to here, perhaps look at is as a little seed of knowledge that needs time to sink in, get settled and grow over time.

Lastly, please don’t take this post as meaning I do not want this question to come up or be talked about in readings. On the contrary, it is part of my role in being a Medium to help bridge the gap between humans and Spirit, pass on these messages and guidance as well as share what I am learning on this journey. Should you also have your own views, ideas or questions, let me know. I am keen to get the conversation started ...


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