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Along Came a Spider

As I type away, I have Maxine giving me a vision, literally her saying –

Don’t get me involved in this; I warned you they were a spider!

I know curt spirit guide, I know … So, I was recently miffed about being excluded in a social situation, initiated by a supposed friend. Once the natural hurt and disappointment subsided, I stepped back and thought about it; realising something. When I am around this person, I feel shit. When I leave this person’s presence, I feel shit. They try to control every aspect of a social situation, even how I should feel when they are openly passing judgment on my life or telling me how to live said life! There is zero self-introspection or empathy on their behalf!! Well, if this is the case, why am I still annoyed at the exclusion? To answer this question, I took a long hard look at the past few years. Sounds funny to some, but I consulted my guide Maxine and broader Spirit. Through this reflection, it came to me – I genuinely feel this person is a pure narcissist. For a true Empath like me, I cannot help but be caught up in a narcissist’s web. It is the pitfalls of being an Empath; like moths to a flame, we are drawn to them. We feel the energy in everything and everyone’s emotions, which confuses, disorientates and weighs us down like saturated sponges. Much has been written on the relationships between Narcissists and Empaths. I won’t bore you with the numerous literature on this topic (I might later though.) All I will say is that, despite me coming across as a strong, unapologetic Medium, I still fall prey to these types of people. It is not their fault they are like this but it is my responsibility to change my actions and no longer be caught up in these webs. I am often asked in readings about how to cope with narcissists or 'energy vampires'. Besides what the client’s guides and friends in spirit want to pass on, I cannot answer with anything different other than “The moment you leave their presence; how do you feel?” If the answer is “well, shit,” then you have your answer and know what to do. But back to point. Back to this person; the little controlling spider ... While writing this, I have visions of this person spinning their narcissistic webs, trapping Empaths like me in a false reality, sucking our energy. Once done, we are left in these webs – unsure how to free ourselves; almost suffering Stockholm Syndrome. It is a process this person has repeated over and over to other people since I have known them. It is no wonder this person has no actual friends beyond a few years of knowing them ... just relationships based on control and manipulation. I have always seen this person at their soul level but ignored it. However, I truly see them now and can ignore it no longer. I was given plenty of visions around this person’s future, and it is one I do not wish to share with them. However I couldn’t resist trying to change the situation. And that there, was where I was going wrong. It is not up to me to help or change them; that’s my ego talking. The glimpses into their future were a downright warning to stay the hell away, grow from this experience and share it with other Empaths to say – you are not alone. Gone are the days of not standing up to these people. I will simply tell one simple truth - you have no power over me! (and perhaps to go get bent). #medium #empath #narcissist #alongcameaspider #empath #spiritguides #psychic #protect #ground #clear #liveauthentic #beyou


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