Today I wanted to share a little message from Spirit I was given a while back. It’s nothing groundbreaking but it’s simple, true and to the point.
“When we pass from this world to the next there is no need to call on us to answer questions, of which your heart already knows the answer
Learn to trust your intuition and seek guidance within first
We are always here to guide and heal but can only do so much
The majority is up to you ... you are all powerful beings capable of more than you realise”
🍃✨🐚✨🍃 I love this message - it’s from my spirit team or council - and reaffirms my strong belief that as a spirit channel, I’m not here to be a fortune teller, but more so to pass on messages of love, support and healing from spirit. If you want that job, a new career, happier love life or even sense of direction - look inward first, really dig deep, then speak to spirit to uncover anything unseen that is needed to fill in the gaps. Understand this, and life will make much more sense.