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From Prussia, with love

Have you ever received a note out of the blue that makes your soul sing?

The other day I was sitting in a massive conference room by myself, staring out the window. I asked my spirit guides for a sign – should I keep throwing myself out there in public as a Medium?

I certainly didn’t feel very spiritual that day, confined in a room14 floors up in the sky, wishing I was anywhere but there writing about dry, bland material.

Oh well, so is life I thought and went back to my task.

However, no more than an hour later, I received an email out of the blue. It was odd at first as I didn’t recognise the sender’s name but what caught my instant attention was the title, simply stating:

Thank You

For what?

I actually said this out loud – thankfully alone at the time. I do sing to myself when alone and often get that carried away I think the radio is on … but I digress.

Well, to my surprise, it was my sign *insert goose bumps* … and with the permission of the sender, here it is in its full glory:


“Hi Dylan,

My name is XXX, I attended one of your events at the Pearl restaurant in mid-September and wanted to say thank you for your guidance. You gave me a lot of information which was fabulous and you connected to my fairly recently deceased grandmother-in-law (which was very comforting as I cared for her very much). A couple of things that you have said though have had a major impact on my, and my family’s life in a positive way.

You said to me that I needed to look into war graves and a connection to Prussia. At the time I was a bit confused about how that was relevant to me but kept it in the back of my mind that I had a great-uncle who died in France in WW1. A few weeks later I was watching a movie which was based in French occupied Germany and it reminded me of your comments. I’d had a discussion that day too with a work colleague who was telling me her father’s experience in Vietnam as an indigenous soldier. My son is a history buff, so I asked him to show me where Prussia was, which he did. He also tracked which battalion my relative was in and where they were on the day that he died. And yes, it was in the area which was previously a part of Prussia.

As we were looking for his battalion details online, I came across an audio interview that a second cousin of mine had done on this particular great-uncle and his brothers that had gone to war. I didn’t get through the whole thing so went back to it a week later. I then noticed that it was part of an ANU study into indigenous soldiers and sure enough there was a lot of references online to them being indigenous. This really threw me as I knew that some of my grandfather’s brothers had married indigenous women but there was never any hint of that heritage in my blood line. I contacted the second cousin who made the interview. She happened to (work for a University around similar topics) and she was visiting Darwin a few days later. We caught up for a few hours.

To cut a long story short, I have found out that my grandfather was a Worimi man that grew up on an Aboriginal Mission. He was fair skinned enough that he ended up being able to leave the mission and live as a ‘white man’. I understand that there are a million reasons as to why he would have chosen to do that at the time. The rest of his family (who were a lot darker skinned) stayed at the mission. He never: told his children about his heritage, visited his family after he had children or ever spoke of his mother.

This has come at a huge but exciting shock to my elderly father and his siblings. It has answered a few questions but also raised many more. I am really enjoying learning about this side of our family and culture and I hope to have a more tangible physical connection in the near future.

I have always felt very connected to the Aboriginal culture and understand why now. One of the other things that you had said to me was that I needed to ‘find my tribe’ (I had been using the same language for a while about finding like-minded friends and a sense of community), and I guess that I have taken steps now towards that.

Thank you for pointing me towards this connection. I feel that it will bring a lot of ancestral healing for all of us. I hope to be able to booking for a further reading with you early next year. You have an amazing talent that brings joy and healing to those around you.

Kind regards,


Well, you could have knocked me down with a feather … I sat there reading with the biggest smile on my face but also stunned. Not only had this kind person taken time out of her day to send me this amazing feedback, of which was incredibly explained, but I had received my sign from the angels.

I guess I should check my bitching a** self about the angels, as they really came through for me that day.

Sorry guys!

Back to point, I remember snippets of the above conversation but nothing more in detail and totally forgot about the whole Prussia thing … who even says nor knows that word these days? Anyways, I am so fascinated with this person’s journey of discovery and connecting to her tribe. Spirit truly does provide us all with what we need at the right time – without fail.

I look forward to keeping in touch with her to hear how this unfolds further and hope that Spirit continues to provide her guidance and support along the way.


Overall, I am still riding on cloud nine after this feedback and it has well and truly provided me with an extra boost to putting myself out there to the public and being a channel for spirit.

Look out 2019, as its going to be a fun, wild ride!


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