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Heavenly Illusion

I honestly did not know where to start this blog.

The information, or download, came to me from the most vivid of visions my new Spirit Guide gave me this week and I have been sitting on it for a while. The vision starred a well-known, modern day saint that shall remain nameless for today. Now, I am not going to criticise this person, as they probably struggled daily with the weight of the world’s attention on their shoulders. What I am focusing on here is how they blindly followed the teachings of one institution, so much so that it distracted them from their own truth. Side note: it was in these teachings the saint adhered to so dearly, as well as promoted so widely, was the idea that through suffering and shunning of wealth and riches, we are closer to the divine. I don’t know about you, but that idea doesn't sit too well with me; perhaps a blog topic for another day?

So, let’s do this... It was very early one morning and I was lying awake from the neighbours dogs doing an encore rendition of the twilight bark. Out of nowhere, I sat up, started receiving a vision, and saw my new guide in front of me (not like a lady but more a mist of energy - more on her later).

The whole vision was like a colour movie playing in my head, complete with narration. And the subject of this technicolour wonder was none other than a Modern Day Saint. A person who to many, especially in the developing world, was saviour to their faith and to the relevant religious intuition, a convenient champion of their cause. Context: this person was a product of their era and region; kind of like the embodiment of earth’s general beliefs at that point in time so keep this in mind please. But back to this vision, it truly was stunning and had so much more depth than what I can portray through simple words. In what felt like hours, I was thrown right into the moment this person died, and passed from the earthy plain to the spiritual. It was truly beautiful as their soul didn’t go up, but it kind of went sideways, and was surrounded by beings of absolute pure white light. From there, the soul was being shown their whole life. Not like a 3D movie we'd imagine; more like standing on a mountain looking down into a valley and seeing all the images in the landscape and low lying clouds below. So much was happening, all at once, almost too much for my little brain to comprehend. It slowed to a nice pace though and I was now being told to focus on a very clear lesson presented to the person's soul by some Higher Beings.

And that lesson?

Well, the person in their earthly life blindly followed the teachings of an institutionalised religion so much so, it was to their detriment. It was not their own truth; their souls calling! So blind was this faith that, they taught others to also blindly follow these teachings, they converted people on their deathbeds to this religion, and encouraged people to remain in or choose poverty; as through suffering, you were closer to the divine.

Don't get me started!

Anyway, it was all being laid out raw, they did not grow spiritually at all and their soul must face this truth. It was at this stage of the vision that the soul almost went through an existential crisis per se. Kind of like a snap back to their core being and higher self. And, the only way to deal with this issue was to accept that: Yes, they had to come back to earth and do it all over again.

Now this is something their earthly beliefs conflicted with immensely. Wasn't this the point where they were to be elsewhere … somewhere heavenly with their said divine and saintly colleagues? Either way, before this reincarnation could happen, their soul first needed to go to a healing space. Here they could gently be healed on a deeper level that I can actually understand, let along describe, and be cared for by pure light and unconditional love. Drawing to the end of this vision, I sat there dumbfounded ... Why show me this person's moment of realisation? This is kind of controversial !! I don’t follow their religion !! nor their teachings !! and why at 3am?

But again, my new Spirit Guide being the ever amazing teacher, got me back on track; it was more about the lesson and less about the modern day saint. If anything, that person was merely used as a powerful illustration to very well shock me into sitting up, and getting the point, (which it did as it rocked my whole idea of them!).

The lesson here was all about speaking your own truth, being true to what your soul agreed to do before coming back to this earth in this lifetime, and not blindly following the beliefs of one man or institution.

I guess its like what I have always said, forge your own path.


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