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I was never good at lineal story telling so I'll jump in, and hopefully fill in the gaps or provide the quintessential origin story at a later date. During this weird and whacky journey of becoming a proud Medium, many other gifted psychics, mediums, light workers and such have said – Dylan, you need to write. I hate writing. I do it every day for work, did it all during University and school. I was often scolded; not this type of writing they’d say. The type where you just put your brain to one side and let Spirit use you as a channel. Right, OK. Turns out I have actually been doing this for some time. I often find myself with a pen in hand, just writing down words, phrases or messages from Spirit automatically. The amount of trees I have killed with this automatic writing is ridiculous. Well, today it will end. Or at least, I’ll start to curb the tree death rate by giving in and starting this blog. It won’t be easy, as even this post has taken the good part of a morning due to the spooks interrupting for a chat. Maxine is quietly, or not so, buzzing in my mind to focus!! So, stick with me and hopefully you will find something in future posts that are interesting, funny, happy, sad or even annoying. I want to provoke people's thoughts and challenge their idea of Mediums. Like it or not. We aren’t going anywhere, and judging by the shift in our collective energy, many more of us are awakening. Stay tuned … #medium #psychic #spirit #guides #spiritualblog #tripsacrossthesky #bumpinthenight #liveauthentic #darwin #channelling #angelothomasmedium #awakening #automaticwriting #confessionsofadancefloor


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