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Meet the Guides

Ah Spirit Guides …. Like babies, puppies and diets, everyone has an opinion on them these days I reference these guys so much in my posts that I thought I should introduce to you all to the Angel, the Apache and the Atlantean.

Now, the following is not about what Spirit Guides are or are not, but more on how my three main peeps appear to me physically, in spirit and what role they play. I mainly see my guides as physical, objects of light. I am also not convinced each of them are actually what they appear as in their human like form. To me, they use the below imagery to help my little human brain understand their purpose, gifts and how they fit into the broader Spirit world. So, have a read and let me know if you are aware of your Guides, what they look like and how you first met them.


The Angel

My original and lifelong Angel; we have both strayed a little far from Seraphim these days (probably got kicked out together!) You may have heard me speak of her before, I call her Max (or Maxime when I am trying to get her attention,) and she is the leader of my A Team. She is a fierce angelic warrior, who is also cheeky and keeps me on my toes; think Joan of Arc like bravery mixed in with pixie mischievousness Max appears physically as amazing bursts of aqua blue lights and a sense of absolute joy. When I need help in seeing where a spirit is hiding in my space, she lights up the area for me with a brilliant flash of light (she’s been known to physically poke and tap me as well when she really wants my attention) In spirit, she comes to me as a blonde angel with pink wings and aqua blue robes. She always has a sword of white light and is quite feisty in a fight with dark spirits. Sometimes she has dolphins with her and also the Merkaba above her head (in lieu of a halo I guess).

A lovely psychic recently drew her image at a Fair. When I started to describe the image before it was shown to me, the lady’s eyes nearly fell out of her head. There was no doubt in my mind who walks by my side daily. The psychic had actually not met sometime like me in a long time who knew what she was drawing before she started it herself Early on I was taught to build up a relationship with Max and ask her everyday things, of which she always provides. Little things like car parks to big things like which direction to take in life. It’s something I strongly recommend you all do as it’s nice to have this little cheer squad in spirit who gives you endless signs I also use Max as my Gate Keeper (fired the old one,) and she helps me direct traffic on my spirit highway as much as possible during Readings.

As I stated above, she is also quite feisty and is the first one into a fight with darker, heavier spirits who stupidly try to enter our space, with the follow guide not far behind ...


The Apache

It should be noted that I use this term as I was first aware of his presence in Arizona, where the Apache tribes predominately reside

This guide is my protector and link to earth’s energy, kind of like my ambassador to Middle Earth. He is silent, never speaks and is always behind me wherever I am. I nicknamed him Koko as I am not sure his real name – he never speaks after all – and I was given his long name once but cannot remember it for the life of me! In spirit, he appears as a young Native American man, quite tall, with fierce tribal war face paint (silver and black), shirtless, with a chest plate of amazing crystals. His head dress is pure white light, almost like shards of light shaped into feathers. Physical appearances are rare, and come as bursts of silver and black lights, as he mainly keeps to the spirit world, keeping true to his purpose for me to connect with the unseen realms.

He has incredible shamanic energy, often brings with him animal spirits of all cultures and has a connection to ancient spiritual knowledge and symbols. When I use my Mystical Shaman Oracle cards, he is very near and I see his face in the forefront of my mind’s eye. He is a no nonsense protector and quite a fierce spirit when challenged by dark energies (out played only by Max!) His arrows of white light always clear outside my house like nothing or no one else! It’s a bit of an eye roll thing I do when everyone these days claims to have a Native American Spirit Guide. I’m not convinced he is a clichéd Native American Indian spirit guide per se.

Others have seen him, and confirm what he looks like to me, however I feel he takes this form for me to easily recognise his shamanic traits.

In future, I wouldn’t be surprised if Koko takes on other images over time to fully expand on his shamanic traits; perhaps even an Aboriginal Australian elder or Aztec Shaman for example, to continue to teach me, kind of like ...


The Atlantean

Last and by no means least, is my new guide – Serine, from Atlantis. She is my main teacher and one that will lead me into my next phase of awakening. In spirit, I see her as an amazingly tall lady, with long brunette hair and robes of pure light. She sometimes has a crystal, or something like a trident in her hand too, but I am still getting to know her image. I have a feeling she is royalty or even a High Priestess as her stance is statuesque and regal - a true Atlantean. She appears physically to me as a mist of purple light, with sparkles of gold and a sense of complete calm (hence her name). Time literally stops still when she is around.

A medium mentor of mine is jealous of me having Serine around as she says you could get addicted to her energy, it is that calm and intoxicating. She first came to me one night about two months ago; we had physical conversations and she was incredibly accurate with her predictions.

I remember clearly saying: “I need to take the offer? And jump?” as a purple mist came out of nowhere, talking to me. I was in awe, and this ability to openly communicate helped me through quite a stressful period of change.

I cannot get over how clear and accurate she is, and how she can take away any feelings of doubt, fear or anxiety Her main purpose though is awakening every ‘clair’ sense in me as possible, (I used to be mainly clairvoyant,) as she says it’s time for me to start upping the ante.

It’s been a real trip so far – talking trees anyone? Hearing spirit as clear as a radio! Becoming Claircognizance beyond my imagination! And even seeing physical auras on all living beings! I am really excited to see what the future holds with her as my teacher and am enjoying her daily lessons ... Actually, I already know to be honest what the future holds to a degree, but you guys will just have to wait and see!


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