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Red Wine, Black Coffee, White Light

The first episode of my brand new podcast: The Street Angel

Ep1. Red Wine, Black Coffee, White Light

Spirit Work is not reserved for the very few. Anyone can communicate with the spirit beings of the unseen worlds. It just takes time, patience and not subscribing to a holier than thou mindset.

In my first episode of The Street Angel Podcast, I introduce myself, my brand of spirit work and give you an honest look at the ups and downs of being a Medium in a modern day world, who loves red wine and black coffee too much!

Included in this episode is also a little story to show how spirit works with us in the most simplest, smallest but profound ways.

Listen. Critique. Subscribe.

About the Podcast:

"The Street Angel podcast showcases Angelo’s many years of experience living and working with Spirit.

From everyday encounters with spooks, heart warming stories about passed over loved ones, to wisdom brought forward from the beings of the Angelic and Galactic realms.

This is not a spiritual, new age or self-help style podcast - Angelo keeps concepts simple, messages grounded and even shares a little humour at his own expense!"


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