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Sitting on the Beach

Ground control to Major Tom … whenever I think of Grounding, I start belting out Bowie’s song Space Oddity – it’s a genuine issue. But I digress, this is about Grounding and not Bowie. In electrical terms, the ground (or Earth) is a common return path for electric current, or a direct physical connection to the Earth. And let’s be honest, in a Spiritual sense, it is much the same thing; the ground (or Earth) is used to return excess or negative energy through a direct connection to the Earth. Building on this, I believe that the Earth has the ability to take said excess/negative energy (positive ions) and transmute it however it so wishes. In turn, when we ground, we also absorb some negative ions from the Earth, hence balancing us out a little more each time and leaving us feeling good. Spiritually, grounding also anchors me more strongly to Earth, so that I can travel higher into the realms, levels, dimensions or whatever you call them. After all, a tree cannot grow into the sky without a deep, solid root base. And trust me, living in Darwin around massive Mahogany trees with shallow root bases, is a classic illustration of why this is essential. The slightest hint of wind or rain in the monsoon season and these monster trees come crashing down faster than a game of Jenga – they have the name ‘Widow Maker’ for a reason!! Now, you can spend hours on Google searching for definitions, explanations and ways to ground. This is just an introduction; the beginning

Just trust that it works! And, it doesn’t matter if you need to address a physical, emotional or spiritual issue (or all three,) grounding is beneficial for everybody. So, without any further delay, here are some ideas on how to ground. Take what resonates with you on an individual level, and leave the rest. ***

Technique 1 The most simplest of ways to ground is to take off your shoes, and stand/sit in nature (not pavers, concrete or the like but actual grass, dirt, sand etc.). I find that I need to do this for at least 20 minutes and by the beach is the best for me; salt water is the only thing that will ground me 100 per cent. I will often go to the beach here in Darwin and just sit on the sand with my feet buried in it, while watching the sun set on the water. Other ideas are a walk around your garden barefoot, going out at lunch and taking off your shoes to walk in a local park, or sitting on a comfy chair while making sure your bare feet are in contact with the Earth. To give this technique a real boost is the following visualisation exercise:

Take three big, deep breathes. Once relaxed, visualise tree like roots growing from your feet into the Earth. Feel the roots in your mind traveling deep into the Earth, almost to its core. Next, visualise a beam of light coming from the sky into the top of your head. This beam of light travels down your body, via your heart, to your feet and the roots (this is your connection to the Universe). Next, simply visualise all the day’s worries, negative vibes and emotions traveling via this connection through your body from your head to your feet, into the earth via those tree roots. Don’t worry about what happens with the energy, just pump it into the Earth, focus on letting go of the day and trust. Once you feel you have let go of enough excess energy, simply take your time to sit up or stand, and go about your day, focusing on something positive and happy! ***

Technique 2 A more advanced visualisation technique, and good for those who are time poor, is to ground yourself in the shower. If you don’t get a chance to walk outdoors much, this is something you can do every day ( ... assuming that you do shower daily). It doesn’t matter if you do this before or after washing your hair or face, but I do find it more relaxing to end the shower on this note. Also, at night is great to helps to get rid of the day’s drama!

Shower Grounding: Take three big, deep breathes Visualise that your body is made up of only grains of sand; all different sizes and colours. While standing under the shower head, visualise the water washing through your body of sand, taking away any excess or negative sand (dark grains) from your body down into the drain. Really visualise the water penetrating your whole body and washing away all the negative emotions, energies or dark vibes. In your mind, watch the dark sand wash down the drain as words or phrases, to be cleared by the Earth, where if may go. Ensure your whole body has been washed of excess/negative energy and the sand runs clear in your mind. Once you feel you have let go of enough excess energy, simply go about your normal routine. ***

Technique 3 Another way to look at grounding is viewing it as being mindful and grounding (or anchoring) your energy in the present - or the now. This idea was taught to be as part of my Reiki training, which also uses the above physical Earth connection as well as the following for a more holistic approach, both for the client and practitioner. In your day, at any time, take a moment to actually ‘be present'. It can be at any time or during activity, like reading a book, going for a walk, listening to chickens, or those moments in the car where you are stuck at a red light forever. For example: (before each one - take three big, deep breathes) Washing the dishes - note what colour they are, how warm the water is, what the scent of the soap is and the types utensils you have used to create your meal ... or Parking the car - stop and take in what is around you, the music on the radio, the temperature, how you are feeling after the drive, and what is outside the car ... or Going for a walk – take note of the weather, what the path looks like, what type of trees or flowers you pass, and whether there is anyone else around you ... don't focus on where you are going but how you get there. When you are fully present in these activities, not thinking of the next 5 minutes or 5 years, you will snap you right back into the moment, and anchor/ground your energy into the present. *** A final note - when grounding, any which way you like, your feet may start to tingle, you could feel lightheaded, you may have sudden realisations, or you could get messages from Spirit.

This is normal However don’t stress if this doesn’t happen. Everyone is different and experiences things differently. Just be aware of what or how you are feeling, or even what comes to mind, during and after grounding. You never know, your physical and emotion well-being may start to improve, and if you are so lucky, your spiritual side as well. As, after daily practice, your Guides just might have a better connection to you, as you are no longer burdened with excess/negative energy from the world around you and are more anchored in the now. *** I do hope you find the above useful as a starting point to build your own knowledge of and interest in grounding, and how you can apply it to your daily routine. My one and only intention on sharing this information is that someone out there finds their life a little bit easier, lighter and more positive from these learnings.


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