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Stop, take a break

“Stop, take a step back”

Following on from my energy forecast this week, I asked the angels about taking a step back from spirit work.

(For this week's purposes I refer to the myriad of people connected to spirit/light/magic, and providing said services to the world, as ‘healers'. I don’t want to focus too much on nomenclature today but more so the message from upstairs.)

Now, I will be honest – healing work is not all love, light, pixies and rainbows.

I call this “the great light worker lie,” … harsh, but fair in my experience and the angels agreed (for once … ).

They reminded me in healing work there are a lot of ego traps, times of exhaustion, anxiety and sheer frustration. Plus when our connection is broken, we must stop and rest, or else it ain't pretty.

This includes setting clear boundaries, even if others try to guilt you into providing your services when you are resting.

My angel crew also reminded me today how I have taken step back from readings. I listened when yelled: “stop, take a step back” as I was exhausted, drained and to be fair – starting to dread dealing with demanding individuals.

This is not forever.

No, you have not got rid of me as I will be back in 2020 doing readings but I needed a break.

And if you ever feel the need to take a step back, even if you are not a healer …

… that’s ok

So, now we have that side of healing work out of the way, tomorrow I will talk about the mind-blowing, amazing side – stay tuned!


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