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The Heart Truth Dragon

The sixth episode of season 2 of The Street Angel podcast

Ep6. The Heart Truth Dragon

A short and sweet little episode brought to you by the Heart Truth Dragon.

Instead of reflecting and over-analysing the year that was, or wasn't for some, the Heart Truth Dragon wants you all to bring his energy into the end of 2022, and just be in your heart space.

What does that mean?

Well, it links back to all we have spoken about in the Street Angel podcast as of late - living a life of balance, lighting up your heart and bringing joy to your world and everyone around you.


Listen. Critique. Subscribe.

About the Podcast:

"The Street Angel podcast showcases Angelo’s many years of experience living and working with Spirit.

From everyday encounters with spooks, heart warming stories about passed over loved ones, to wisdom brought forward from the beings of the Angelic and Galactic realms.

This is not a spiritual, new age or self-help style podcast - Angelo keeps concepts simple, messages grounded and even shares a little humour at his own expense!"



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