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What is Arcturian Light Healing?

Did you know I am a certified Arcturian Light Healer? So, what is Arcturian Light Healing? It is a method of healing using the full energy systems of the physical human body. In sessions, I transmit light channeled from my Arcturian healing team into the body to remove blocks and allow the constant flow of energy throughout the energetic systems. Channeling light can be done on myself as a conduit for you (distance healings) or directly into the client (in-person healings.). Unlike other energy healing modalities, Arcturian Light healing moves into every part of the body - not just the chakra system - thus giving a full body clearing process. Arcturian symbols, which work on the physical emotional, mental and spiritual aspects of our system, are used to enhance the healing and will activate during and after the healing to ensure the body receives what is needed to clear the light paths within the cells, muscle, skin and bone. As mentioned, I used my Arcturian healing team in these healings and, like other energy healing modalities such as Reiki or Seichim, I was attuned to Arcturian light energy to enhance my light field and connect me to these amazing beings. And yes, I undertake these sessions both in person and online - via Zoom for example - as there are no barriers to distance healings. No matter where you are in the world, the energy will heal you! 🍃✨🌟✨🍃

But, who are the Arcturians? It is a widely held belief that the Arcturians are beings from the blue planet which orbits the giant red star Arcturus in the Bootes constellation. Arcturus is the brightest star in the constellation of Bootes, approximately 36 light years from our solar system. Arcturus is also the third brightest star after Sirius and Canopus. They are said to be a 5th Dimensional Being and, according to Edgar Cayce, the most advanced alien race in our galaxy. There is a widely held belief that Arcturians are only 3–4 feet in height and blue/green in colour with 3 fingers only on each hand. The Arcturian civilization philosophy is of healing and compassion for the universe. They exist in the spiritual plane and are of pure thought and consciousness. 🍃✨🌟✨🍃 Book today After an energy healing using this modality - plus Reiki, Seichim, Sound and Crystal healing energies? If so, get in touch today and book in a healing to feel absolutely light as a feather with the Arctrurians. #energyhealing #onlineenergyhealing


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