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You don’t need to be a cliché to work with Spirit

The seventh episode of my brand new podcast: The Street Angel

Ep7. You don’t need to be a cliché to work with Spirit

In this episode, I talk about how greatest channelling of spirit comes during the times we aren’t being spiritual clichés.

Spirit find it so much easier to talk to us when we are distracted, being our everyday selves. This work is all about balancing the everyday, going with the flow and trusting that the doorway to the unseen realms are always in front of us

So don’t let anyone tell you, you need to act a certain way, dress a certain way or completely shun the whole way you have been living your whole life up until now to work with or chat to spirit … Because, Spirit’s only rule is to come as you are!

Oh, and even my Yiayia pops in to say hello and tell a story relevant to the above on this episode!

Listen. Critique. Subscribe.

About the Podcast:

"The Street Angel podcast showcases Angelo’s many years of experience living and working with Spirit.

From everyday encounters with spooks, heart warming stories about passed over loved ones, to wisdom brought forward from the beings of the Angelic and Galactic realms.

This is not a spiritual, new age or self-help style podcast - Angelo keeps concepts simple, messages grounded and even shares a little humour at his own expense!"


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